Small Steps You Can Take to Introduce Girls to Engineering

5 Small Steps to Introduce Girls to Engineering

Written By: Tammy DeMarco

February 25, 2021

Introduce Girls to Engineering so They Can Take Giant Leaps on Girl Day 

We are deeply aware of how important it is to introduce girls to engineering at a young age. It is equally important to do so for tweens and teens. The most engaging way to introduce girls to engineering concepts is through hands-on, experiential activities.  While many of these activities have been put on-hold this past year, many opportunities still exist. 

Today is Girl Day 2021, and the mission is to introduce girls to engineering. Girl Day is part of National Engineering week, which focuses on ways to curate an understanding of engineering principles and practices into the lives of an inclusive and diverse group of teens and tweens.

Girl Day is a worldwide campaign to engage girls in engineering. Thousands of people–parents, educators, engineers, and others–act as role models to introduce girls to engineering activities and inspire girls about the numerous ways engineers change our world. 

We are living at a time of extraordinary challenge and change.  Engineers and designers are collaborating closely to dream up and realize new innovations across robotics, cyber security, sustainability, safer water, and biomedical engineering, all areas that can help introduce girls to engineering.

It is ironic that during this year of tremendous struggle in America, we have been able to achieve many engineering marvels, such as the landing of the Mars Rover, Perseverance. We watched how a group of engineers and scientists, committed to working together, orchestrated the successful landing. We were thrilled that NASA featured females in leadership positions such as Dr Swati Mohan, Moogega Cooper, and many others from the Perseverance Mission Team whose work can virtually help introduce girls to engineering by sharing their stories.

Help girls develop an interest in engineering by building their confidence in their problem-solving skills and by creating a STEM identity with these helpful resources:

❉ Explore these resources from DiscoverE to excite your tweens and teens while introducing girls to engineering. 

STEM Next has a robust list of programs and activities to check out so you can introduce girls to engineering as a parent, teacher, or mentor. 

Check out these engaging distance learning activities you can try at home from DiscoverE’s robust library of STEAM activities and video challenges that introduce girls to engineering.  

Girl Scout STEM Programs introduce girls to engineering, science, technology, and math. 

Check out our list of the Best STEM Subscription Boxes for tweens and teens to introduce girls to engineering at any age. 

Watch the landing of the aptly named Perseverance with your tweens and teens. NASA released a sizzle video on NASA’s Mars 2020 Perseverance Rover Landing, which chronicles milestones during the final minutes of its entry, descent, and landing (EDL) on the Red Planet as the spacecraft parachuted successfully towards Mars’ surface.

Everyone can be a STEM role model. Parents are a child’s first role model and we hope you can explore the examples above to excite your daughter (or son) by introducing them to engineering. If you are in a STEM field, help us to show girls all of the amazing ways engineers are making the world a better place by signing up to share your story. As a Girl Day Role Model you’ll get periodic program updates, planning tips, and ideas you can use to introduce a girl to engineering. Sign Up here to be a Girl Day Role Model

Engineers elevate our world; they dream, create, and develop practical solutions. We are eager to see how the focus on ways to introduce girls to engineering will inspire women in the future.  As parents, mentors, and teachers, we are continually looking to illuminate career paths in STEM with diversity, equity, and inclusion in mind. When we provide inspiration and foster confidence, we create a better world for all of us. 


Introduce Girls to Engineering so They Can Take Giant Leaps on Girl Day 

We are deeply aware of how important it is to introduce girls to engineering at a young age. It is equally important to do so for tweens and teens. The most engaging way to introduce girls to engineering concepts is through hands-on, experiential activities.  While many of these activities have been put on-hold this past year, many opportunities still exist. 

Today is Girl Day 2021, and the mission is to introduce girls to engineering. Girl Day is part of National Engineering week, which focuses on ways to curate an understanding of engineering principles and practices into the lives of an inclusive and diverse group of teens and tweens.

Girl Day is a worldwide campaign to engage girls in engineering. Thousands of people–parents, educators, engineers, and others–act as role models to introduce girls to engineering activities and inspire girls about the numerous ways engineers change our world. 

We are living at a time of extraordinary challenge and change.  Engineers and designers are collaborating closely to dream up and realize new innovations across robotics, cyber security, sustainability, safer water, and biomedical engineering, all areas that can help introduce girls to engineering.

It is ironic that during this year of tremendous struggle in America, we have been able to achieve many engineering marvels, such as the landing of the Mars Rover, Perseverance. We watched how a group of engineers and scientists, committed to working together, orchestrated the successful landing. We were thrilled that NASA featured females in leadership positions such as Dr Swati Mohan, Moogega Cooper, and many others from the Perseverance Mission Team whose work can virtually help introduce girls to engineering by sharing their stories.

Help girls develop an interest in engineering by building their confidence in their problem-solving skills and by creating a STEM identity with these helpful resources:

Explore these resources from DiscoverE to excite your tweens and teens while introducing girls to engineering.

STEM Next has a robust list of programs and activities to check out so you can introduce girls to engineering as a parent, teacher, or mentor. 

Check out these engaging distance learning activities you can try at home from DiscoverE’s robust library of STEAM activities and video challenges that introduce girls to engineering.  

Girl Scout STEM Programs introduce girls to engineering, science, technology, and math. 

Check out our list of the Best STEM Subscription Boxes for tweens and teens to introduce girls to engineering at any age. 

Watch the landing of the aptly named Perseverance with your tweens and teens. NASA released a sizzle video on NASA’s Mars 2020 Perseverance Rover Landing, which chronicles milestones during the final minutes of its entry, descent, and landing (EDL) on the Red Planet as the spacecraft parachuted successfully towards Mars’ surface.

Everyone can be a STEM role model. Parents are a child’s first role model and we hope you can explore the examples above to excite your daughter (or son) by introducing them to engineering. If you are in a STEM field, help us to show girls all of the amazing ways engineers are making the world a better place by signing up to share your story. As a Girl Day Role Model you’ll get periodic program updates, planning tips, and ideas you can use to introduce a girl to engineering. Sign Up here to be a Girl Day Role Model

Engineers elevate our world; they dream, create, and develop practical solutions. We are eager to see how the focus on ways to introduce girls to engineering will inspire women in the future.  As parents, mentors, and teachers, we are continually looking to illuminate career paths in STEM with diversity, equity, and inclusion in mind. When we provide inspiration and foster confidence, we create a better world for all of us. 


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