Enjoy These Byte-Sized Pi Day Celebrations For Infinite Fun

Byte-Sized Pi Day Celebrations

Written By: Tammy DeMarco

March 14, 2021


Byte-Sized Pi Day Fun For The Whole Family

From enjoying pizza for dinner to baking pie for dessert, there are many byte-sized Pi Day celebrations that guarantee fun for everyone and elevate math to a new level of cool. 

Seeing the value of math in everyday life can be difficult if it is all worksheets and no fun. We love occasions to explore byte-sized STEM activities that kids of all ages can enjoy firsthand. It can encourage kids to explore the unknown and get deeper into learning about subjects such as math that may not ignite an immediate spark.

Pi Day has been celebrated since the 1980’s.  The holiday is celebrated on March 14th, which we write as 3/14.  3.14 are the first three and most well-known digits in the decimal form of Pi. 

Pi Day is celebrated with activities in math classrooms, and we believe it is even better when celebrated at home. We hope you enjoy these Byte-Sized Pi Day games, facts, activities, songs, and jokes. 

Byte-Sized Pi Day Overview & Fun Facts

𝞹 Pi is a mathematical constant.

𝞹 Pi is calculated by measuring the ratio of a circle’s circumference to its diameter.

𝞹 It is also one of the most revered numbers in the world.

𝞹 If you printed a billion digits of Pi in ordinary font, it would stretch from New York City to Kansas.

𝞹 Einstein’s birthday is 3/14.

𝞹 Pi has over 6 billion known digits.


Sing-Along With These Byte-Sized Pi Day Tunes 

These music videos feature songs about 𝞹 that educate & entertain.

𝞹 The Pi Song from AsapScience features a catchy tune that can be watched here or listed here. Can you Memorize the first 100 Digits of π?

𝞹  Songdrops also has a funny Pi song that helps you memorize Pi. 


Byte-Sized Pi Day Activities

𝞹 Enter your birthday month, date, and year into MyPiDay. It will tell you how many digits it takes to get to your birthday.

𝞹 Make a card or a poster for a friend with the headline “I hope our friendship goes on forever.”

𝞹 Enjoy some Pi in the Kitchen. Cut an orange or a grapefruit in ½. Bake a Pie. Enjoy a Pizza. Then calculate the circumference and diameter using any unit of measurement, including nonstandard units such as centimeters or feet.  How accurate were your measurements? How close did your ratio get to π? How could you make it closer?

𝞹 Draw circle art with a Spirograph Drawing Set. 


Byte-Sized Pi Day Jokes

𝞹 Never talk to Pi. He’ll go on forever.

𝞹 If you ask a scientist what pi is, he’ll tell you it equals 3.14159. If you ask a mathematician, he’ll tell you pi equals the circumference of a circle divided by its diameter. If you ask an engineer, he’ll say “Pi? Well, it’s about 3, but we’ll call it 4 just to be safe.” But if you ask a kid, he’ll ask if he can have ice cream with it.

𝞹 It’s as easy as 3.14159! 

𝞹 What is the official animal of Pi Day? The Pi-thon. 


Byte-Sized Pi Day Games 

𝞹 Celebrate Pi Day with Kahoot! Disney Youth Education Series games.

𝞹 Have fun on the search for Pi math missions from DragonBox! On Kahoot! 


Blast Off For Byte Sized Pi Day NASA Fun:

𝞹 Check out 10 ways to celebrate Pi Day with NASA astronauts and scientists. Our favorite is how Pi helps us explore space travel and is used to find out more about planetary compositions. You can also see how others will be celebrating Pi Day from pancakes, to pie, to pizza, to outer space projects. 

𝞹 If inspired, share your own celebrations, hosted by NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory California Institute of Technology here.

For more fun with numbers at museums, check out our post on the 5 Top Epic Space & Science Museums in the U.S. that You Will Love.

We hope you enjoy celebrating math fun with our Byte-Sized Pi Day activities. However you choose to explore Pi Day, we hope that it is a never-ending process of discovering math all around us. Share this list with friends and family so they can join in on the fun!




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